Do your 1031 and get Tax Free Cash Out: Kay Properties offers a way to do a 1031 Exchange and also potential to receive tax free cash back

By: Betty Friant, Senior Vice President of Kay Properties and Investments and the Kay Properties Team How to get tax free cash out of a 1031 Exchange The main driver behind any 1031 Exchange is the ability to defer the capital gains tax on the sale of a property by rolling proceeds into an eligible “like kind” replacement property. What if you could also get tax free cash out of that replacement property? You can … Read More

The Tax Advantages of Zero Coupon DSTs

By Betty Friant, Senior Vice President, Matt McFarland, Vice President and the Kay Properties Team Investing in a Zero Coupon DST, frankly, sounds a little crazy. Why would anyone want to buy into a DST with no cash flow? The simple answer is for the tax advantages. How does a Zero Coupon DST work? In a Zero Coupon DST, all of the cash flow goes to the lender to service the debt on a property. … Read More

As Seen on 4 Ways to Invest in Real Estate for Monthly Income

Owning your own home can be a good investment for a number of reasons, but it’s not the same as owning income properties, which have the potential to produce cash income on a regular monthly basis. Consider the range of potential ways to invest in real estate for income. Please view Kiplinger article here. By Dwight Kay, CEO & Founder, Kay Properties & Investments, LLC  Earlier this year, the homeownership rate in the U.S. hit … Read More

How To Create a Diversified DST Portfolio

By Jason Salmon, Senior Vice President and the Kay Properties & Investments Team  Diversification* is one of the basic building blocks to any investment portfolio strategy. It’s the simple concept of not wanting to put all of your eggs in one basket. Diversification across asset types helps to avoid concentration risk – and potentially a basket full of broken eggs. Diversification also has the potential to create other positives, such as achieving a potentially higher overall … Read More

Kay Properties Helps Family Complete $36 Million 1031 Exchange Amid COVID Pandemic

By: Kay Properties and Investments, LLC Kay Properties is proud to announce the successful completion of a family’s 36-million-dollar 1031 exchange diversified* into 15 Delaware Statutory Trusts.  Chay Lapin commented, “At Kay Properties we have specialized in providing a far higher level of DST investing services than found at typical providers of DSTs. We specialize in DST investments thereby allowing us to provide full-service resources for our clients as they are going through their 1031 … Read More

Generational Assets: Leveraging DSTs to Transfer Wealth

By Jason Salmon, Senior Vice President and the Kay Properties Team at Kay Properties & Investments, LLC  Real estate has long been a popular asset used to build generational family wealth. One of the key tax advantages to passing real estate property to heirs is that those recipients benefit from a step-up in basis. That step-up is much like hitting the reset button on a property’s current market value.  That step-up in value alone can … Read More

Five Steps to Construct a Diverse Real Estate Investment Portfolio

Dwight Kay Founder of Kay Properties recently published in National Real Estate Investor Magazine. Here are some guidelines on maximizing returns and minimizing risks when building your commercial real estate portfolio. Please view the article on NREI here.  Millions of Americans invest in alternative assets, including real estate. It’s an important step to diversify* a portfolio with investments that don’t necessarily correlate with the stock or bond markets. Here are five tips to help construct a … Read More

How to Identify a 1031 Exchange with the 200% Rule

By Dwight Kay, Founder & CEO; Betty Friant, Senior Vice President and The Kay Properties Team “Is that your final answer?” You may recognize the question made famous by the popular TV game show Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? Choosing the right answer in this game gives you a shot at winning big money, while the wrong answer leaves you with nothing. Investors conducting a 1031 Exchange face a similar make or break decision … Read More

Successful 1031 DST Investment Completed

By Matt McFarland, Vice President, and Thomas Wall, Associate, Kay Properties & Investments Please view article here. Kay Properties today announced the completion of a 1031 DST investment for a mother-daughter duo. The pair sold a vacation rental property they owned for many years.  They were eager to exit the highly management-intensive environment of operating vacation rentals and enter into a more passive, diversified* investment structure such as the DST. They utilized the Kay Properties … Read More

How to Build a Diversified Real Estate Investment Portfolio

As Seen on Kiplinger Having a diversified* commercial and multifamily real estate portfolio is important to potentially reduce risk and create multiple opportunities for potential income and appreciation. Diversification is even more important in tumultuous times like these. Here’s a look at how to build a diverse real estate investment portfolio. Please view Kiplinger article here. By Dwight Kay, CEO & Founder, Kay Properties & Investments, LLC  Recent survey research by National Real Estate Investor magazine indicates … Read More

1031 Exchange Coming Up? Know the Options Before You Reinvest

By Dwight Kay, Founder and CEO at Kay Properties & Investments, LLC Please view article here.  If you have a 1031 exchange coming up, you have multiple choices to reinvest the proceeds from your sale. That’s a good thing, because coming out of your prior investment, maybe you’re tired of the three Ts — tenants, toilets and trash — and you’d rather leave the day-to-day property management to others.  A 1031 exchange (also known as … Read More

As Seen on Considering Real Estate? Know the ABCs of DSTs, TICs and 1031s

Having commercial and multifamily real estate in your investment portfolio provides diversification*, and can potentially generate income and help you build wealth. Before diving in, consider the range of ownership structures and the potential tax advantages of real estate investing. Please view Kiplinger article here. By Dwight Kay, CEO & Founder, Kay Properties & Investments, LLC  Investment real estate is the largest asset class in the U.S. behind the equity and bond markets. Millions of … Read More

Kay Properties Featured on Regarding 1031 Exchanges

1031 Exchanges Are Driving Transaction Volumes Most recent CRE investment demand is from investors looking to complete a 1031 exchange during the pandemic. By Kelsi Maree Borland from Please view article here.  1031 exchange demand is driving the majority of transaction volumes during the pandemic. While some new opportunistic capital has entered the market, the majority of investment demand for CRE assets is coming from 1031 exchange buyers. The activity has not only helped to … Read More

Can I Cash-Out a Portion of my 1031 Exchange Proceeds? The Ins-and-Outs of A Partial 1031 Exchange

A person calculating the possibility of a partial 1031 exchange

Many investors that come to Kay Properties are looking for a full tax deferment utilizing a like kind exchange. A full tax deferment under IRC Section 1031 consists of buying a replacement property for equal or greater value than that of your relinquished value of the property. For example, if an investor sells their property for a net sales price of $1,000,000 in order to have full tax deferment under Section 1031, the investor has … Read More

Kay Properties Custom 1031 Exchange DST Investment Offering Goes Full Cycle on Behalf of 1031 Exchange Investors

A cityscape seen from across a body of water

View Press Release here. Kay Properties and Investments today announced that one of their custom 1031 exchange Delaware Statutory Trust – DST offerings has gone full cycle and was sold on behalf of investors. The offering was a multi-tenant office property located in the Tampa, FL MSA and was made available exclusively to Kay Properties clients in 2017. The offering generated a total return of 131.42% for the 1031 exchange and direct cash investors*.  This … Read More

Before You Do a 1031 Exchange, Consider These 4 Alternative Investment Options

As Seen on Kiplinger 1031 exchange investors have multiple choices – not just direct ownership of an income property. By Dwight Kay, Founder and CEO, Kay Properties & Investments, LLC    One of the most attractive real estate tax benefits available in the U.S. is the like-kind exchange, which is governed by Section 1031 of the Internal Revenue Code. About one-third of all commercial and multifamily property sales in the U.S. involve a like-kind exchange, … Read More

Good to Have a 1031 Exchange Backup When You Need One: Kay Properties Helps DST Investors Avoid a Potentially Significant Tax Consequence

By: Alex Madden, Vice President, Kay Properties and Investments, LLC Kay Properties and Investments is pleased to announce a completed exchange for an investor who did not originally intend to invest into Delaware Statutory Trust (DST) properties. Vice President Alex Madden explained: “After discussing the client’s background in real estate investing, he expressed his first choice was to continue with active management for a few more years before he began moving his substantial real estate … Read More

“There is No Cash Flow in Raw Land” – Family with long time land holding 1031 exchanges $2.5M of equity into potentially income producing DSTs

Please view press release here.  Kay Properties investors, a family who inherited land on the outskirts of a city, tried for years to sell the land all the while learning about 1031 DST offerings as a possible option for their investment.  When the property finally sold, the family wanted to lower their risk potential and so invested the entire $2.5M into all cash, debt free DST properties.  Betty Friant, Senior Vice President, explained, “The family … Read More

Questions to Ask Your 1031 Exchange Qualified Intermediary

A 1031 exchange intermediary pitching to investors

By: Kay Properties & Investments When checking off the boxes for your 1031 exchange “to do” checklist, choosing a qualified intermediary should be on top of that list. The IRS requires exchangers to employ a qualified intermediary (aka “QI, “accommodator,” or “facilitator”) to receive the funds upon sale of the exchanger’s property. Section 1031 of the Department of the Treasury Regulations authorizes the QI to receive and hold the funds, advise on compliance matters, and … Read More

Using 1031 Exchange Delaware Statutory Trust Properties to Give Back – How a Kay Properties Client Gave Back

Please view press release here. Real Estate investors come in all types and many want to invest in a way that aligns with their values. Alex Madden, Vice President with Kay Properties and Investments explained: “When one of our Clients reached out and explained she wanted to invest in 1031 exchange Real Estate which offered a potential ‘Social Good’ Kay Properties and Investments leapt at the opportunity to help. We helped evaluate properties that provided … Read More

Kay Properties and Investments Helps Clients 1031 Exchange their Property Empire into DST 1031 Exchanges

Our Successful Completion of DST 1031 Exchange Properties Kay Properties and Investments today announced the completion of multiple 1031 DST exchanges for owner-operators of real estate who are currently in the winding down phase of their investment career. The 1031 exchange clients utilized the Kay Properties 1031 DST marketplace at for a number of months to educate themselves on how DST 1031 properties for sale would potentially fit within their portfolio. It was just the beginning … Read More

Grateful to be Debt-Free: Kay Properties Helps Client Stay Debt-Free in their $1-Million 1031 Exchange into DST Properties for Sale

Kay Properties is proud to announce the successful completion of five debt-free DST purchases for a couple selling a single-family home in Southern California. They were excited to be able to defer the accumulated capital gains and depreciation recapture taxes that they have accumulated over the many years of owning and managing the property by utilizing Internal Revenue Code, Section 1031. In addition to deferring the taxes by successfully utilizing the 1031 exchange, the clients … Read More

Three 1031 Exchange Alternatives

A man writing down various 1031 exchange options

By: Jason Salmon, Senior Vice President; Managing Director of Real Estate Analytics, Kay Properties and Investments, LLC Are you considering a 1031 exchange? There’s no doubt that in cases of like-kind exchanges, the Section 1031 offers tax gains that may amount to a substantial figure. It helps explain the popularity of the exchange option in the U. S. However, in many cases, in order to take advantage of the reduced and deferred taxes, the 1031 … Read More

July 15th 1031 Exchange Deadline Approaching! How Fast Can I Close on DSTs?

By: Orrin Barrow, Vice President – Kay Properties and Investments, LLC Many investors were granted an extension on their 1031 exchanges so that they would not have to identify their replacement property until July 15th, 2020. However, we are quickly approaching this deadline for investors to properly identify and select their replacement property. Given the very unsure nature of the economy and how Covid-19 will continue to affect us, many investors have been reaching out … Read More

As Seen on Before You Invest in ‘Crowdfunded’ Real Estate, Consider the Tax Implications

Many syndicated real estate investments miss out on a major tax benefit, but there are some ways to do your deal that avoid that issue. By Dwight Kay, CEO & Founder, Kay Properties & Investments, LLC  The rise in online real estate investing in recent years has been remarkable. As the global consulting firm EY estimates, the online real estate investing market worldwide is expected to be $8.3 billion in 2020, with no sign of … Read More

How One Kay Properties Client Used the 1031 Exchange and DST Properties to Retire from Active Management

A Kay Properties and Investments investor had been managing her 9-unit apartment building for most of her life. After purchasing the building over 25+ years prior for $30,000 she sold the building for $1,300,000. Vice President Alex Madden explained: “Our Client was most interested in getting out of active management and deferring her substantial capital gains taxes. She was able to utilize a 1031 tax deferred exchange and diversify* into four 1031 DST properties, in … Read More

DST 1031 Exchange Investment Strategies: Why 1031 Exchange Diversification Matters

By: Orrin Barrow, Vice President, Kay Properties and Investments, LLC The Delaware statutory trust was invented so investors would have the ability to utilize their 1031 exchange proceeds to diversify* across different 1031 DST sponsor companies, asset classes, submarkets and investment strategies. We here at Kay Properties and Investments have access to a diversified DST 1031 marketplace platform ( to be able to build well diversified DST portfolios for our clients who are currently in … Read More

Kay Properties and Investments Helps Clients Complete a $4.4M 1031 Exchange

Kay Properties is proud to announce the successful completion of a 1031 exchange, in which DSTs were used in conjunction with non-DST real estate.  The clients, two brothers who own and operate farmland in the Midwest, combined the purchase of farm properties with DST real estate to “replace” the necessary real estate value in their exchange to be able to take advantage of a full tax deferral. They utilized the Kay Properties 1031 DST marketplace … Read More

The Other DST – Deferred Sales Trust: What You Should Know

By: Matt McFarland, Associate at Kay Properties & Investments, LLC Many times, when researching the Delaware Statutory Trust structure as a potential 1031 exchange option, investors will come across another DST—the Deferred Sales Trust. It can all be very confusing. The Delaware Statutory Trust is an accepted part of the Internal Revenue Code under Revenue Ruling 2004-86 and has provided investors the ability to defer their taxes upon sale of an appreciated piece of investment … Read More

Zero Cash Flow Properties for DST Offerings: Why They May be Important for your 1031 Exchange Transaction

Paper and calculators for zero cash flow dst offerings

By Orrin Barrow, Senior Vice President, Kay Properties and Investments, LLC Wondering how zero cash flow properties can work for you? If you are a highly leveraged investor with a 1031 exchange transaction, a zero cash flow investment may be your next best strategy. This strategy is favored by investors with a 1031 exchange transaction in which they have a loan between 65-90% of the value of the building they have recently sold. As you … Read More

Using the 1031 Exchange to Move from 250 Doors to Delaware Statutory Trusts with Kay Properties and Investments

Please view press release on Marketwatch here. Kay Properties and Investments works with many different kinds of Real Estate Investors, and they all have given substantial time and effort to building up their Real Estate portfolios. One great example of this was a recent Client who was looking to stop managing and start retiring.  Alex Madden, Vice President with Kay Properties and Investments explained “Our Client had spent most of his life building up a … Read More

Looking for DST Properties for Sale? Why A Comprehensive 1031 DST Marketplace is Imperative for 1031 Exchange Investors

By: Orrin Barrow, Vice President, Kay Properties and Investments, LLC Many investors that are looking for DST properties for sale for their 1031 exchanges find the comprehensive Kay Properties marketplace platform at very helpful. The Kay marketplace typically features 20 to 40 DST offerings and 25+ DST sponsor companies for investors to choose from. Along with the platform providing access to the marketplace of DST 1031 properties for sale it also features custom DSTs only … Read More

Longtime Delaware Statutory Trust Investors Choose Kay Properties Over Others for Their 1031 Exchange

Please view Yahoo Finance press release here. Many Clients like to work with Kay Properties for the access to the 1031 DST Marketplace available at, others like it because of the depth of real estate and DST 1031 industry knowledge Kay Properties is able to bring to the table, while still others value the extensive due diligence provided by the Kay Properties team of analysts – these Clients saw that immediately. Alex Madden, Vice … Read More

5 Tips to Build a COVID-Proof Real Estate Investment Portfolio

A large corporate building where you might learn how to build a real estate portfolio

By: Kay Properties and Investments, LLC  So, you’ve decided to invest in income-producing real estate as a way to diversify* your investment portfolio so all your assets are not correlated to the stock market’s performance. Now how do you plan a real estate portfolio to build wealth and withstand a crisis? We’ve learned a great deal from analyzing the market through crises including 9/11, 2008-2009, and the current COVID-19 pandemic. There are no guarantees and … Read More

Kay Properties Team Announces the Successful Completion of a $6,650,000 DST 1031 Exchange on Behalf of Client

Please view press release on Yahoo Finance here.  Kay Properties today announced the completion of a 1031 exchange for a family who has owned and operated commercial investment properties for many years.  The family has built considerable wealth over decades of owning and operating a portfolio of their own commercial properties and got to a point where they no longer wished to actively manage their real estate.  The properties have experienced considerable capital appreciation, creating … Read More

Kay Properties and Investments Successfully Completes a $2,100,000 DST 1031 Exchange

View Morningstar press release here.  Kay Properties and Investments is pleased to announce the completion of another DST 1031 Exchange for $2,100,000. Alex Madden, Vice President with Kay Properties and Investments, explained: “Our Clients were very interested in taking on as little additional debt as possible in their exchange. Their focus on debt-free properties was well suited to the Kay Properties approach of keeping debt low, and being diversified* whenever possible.” Senior Vice President, Chay … Read More

Kay Properties and Investments Announces the Completion of a $2.25 Million DST 1031 Exchange on Behalf of a Repeat Client

View press release on Business Insider here.  Kay Properties announces the completion of another 1031 exchange for a repeat client that sold farmland. This client had worked with Jason Salmon and Kay Properties several years ago for a similar 1031 DST transaction after selling their business as well as the real estate associated with it. This investor was comfortable with the previous results and was able to diversify* into multiple DSTs once again for their … Read More

“THIS ISN’T WHAT I SIGNED UP FOR!” NNN Landlord’s Dilemma in COVID’s Uncharted Territory

A large cityscape

By Betty Friant, CCIM – Senior Vice President, Kay Properties and Investments QUESTION:  There are some really big companies announcing that they won’t pay rents.  What is going on? Even some of the biggest companies in the United States are asking for or “requiring” rent reductions during the Covid 19 pandemic.  Well known companies like Starbucks, The Gap, Cheesecake Factory, Chipotle, Shake Shack, and Ruth’s Chris Steakhouse are among the large tenants who are looking … Read More

Kay Properties Online Real Estate Marketplace Platform

By Dwight Kay, CEO and Founder, Kay Properties and Investments, LLC and Chay Lapin, Senior Vice President, Kay Properties and Investments, LLC At Kay Properties we have created an online real estate platform and marketplace at that provides investors the opportunity to explore various 1031 exchange investment opportunities across the entire country and across multiple real estate asset classes. More importantly, we have created an extensive real estate and 1031 exchange educational platform. Over … Read More

How COVID-19 Has Affected Retail Real Estate

By:  The Kay Properties Team Certain segments of the retail sector have been particularly hit hard by the lockdown orders instituted because of covid-19, for example clothing and home goods. Other retailers, like grocers and drug stores have outperformed, having been determined essential and where able to remain open. And although more States are now reopening their economies to “non-essential” businesses, some areas of retail will still nevertheless not recover fully and may see a … Read More

New York Times with Alex Madden

Kay Properties was featured in an article in the New York Times on 1031 exchanges.  Our very own Alex Madden, Vice President with Kay Properties and former Army Ranger, was interviewed for the story.   Please view our story on New York Times here.

Kay Properties and Investments Helps a Family Complete a $16,650,000 Delaware Statutory Trust 1031 Exchange

View press release on Morningstar here.  LOS ANGELES, June 09, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Kay Properties and Investments today announced the completion of a 1031 DST exchange for a family of real estate investors into DST 1031 properties. The 1031 exchange clients utilized the Kay Properties 1031 DST marketplace at for a number of months to educate themselves on how the DST would potentially fit within their portfolio. The Delaware Statutory Trust 1031 exchange … Read More

Kay Properties and Investments Helps Client Invest $10.42 Million in 1031 Exchange Solution

Please view our press release on Morningstar here. LOS ANGELES, May 27, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Kay Properties and Investments today announced the completion of another 1031 DST exchange on behalf of an investor located in Southern California. He is an active real estate owner and operator and has owned California real estate for decades. Kay Properties team members have had many discussions with the client over the years helping to educate and familiarize him with 1031 … Read More

So Your 1031 Exchange Deadline Has Been Extended? Why Waiting Until the July Deadline Could Be a Bad Idea

Please view our story on National Real Estate Investor here. With so many exchanges facing the same deadline, there is very real potential for unintended consequences. As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic the IRS issued Notice 2020-23, which provided a multitude of tax extensions, including 1031 like-kind exchange deadlines for some investors. While the extensions were provided for good reason, there may be unintended consequences if eligible investors all wait to pull the trigger on … Read More

The Virus Economy: It Now May Be a Good Time to Diversify Real Estate Holdings

By Chay Lapin, Senior Vice President – Kay Properties and Investments The entire country is experiencing a national lockdown and businesses have been stopped in their tracks.  This has caused many commercial and residential tenants to struggle with the ability to pay rent resulting in a very unknown and difficult time for landlords.  According to the U.S. Department of Labor, over 20,500,000 people are unemployed as of May 8,2020. Also, many publications have noted that … Read More

Kay Properties and Investments Completes a $64,000,000 1031 Exchange into DST Investments

View press release on Benzinga here. Kay Properties and Investments today announced that the Kay team was able to successfully help a group of sophisticated owners that were exiting a large portfolio of hotel properties complete their 1031 exchange into a diversified* portfolio of DST investments.  Dwight Kay, Founder & CEO of Kay Properties, stated, “The principals of this specific investment group had invested with us many years ago on a smaller 1031 exchange into … Read More

In a 1031 Exchange? Why Waiting until after COVID-19 to Complete Your Exchange Could Potentially be a Bad Idea

As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic the IRS issued Notice 2020-23 which provided a multitude of tax extensions including the extension of the 1031 exchange deadlines. The typical investor in a 1031 exchange will have 45 days from the sale date to identify a replacement property, and 180 days to complete the purchase of that same property. With the IRS’ notice the 45-day, and 180-day deadline has been extended until July 15th 2020 for … Read More

Sponsor Stories Podcast Number 1 – DST 1031 Exchange Podcast

Welcome to Sponsor Stories with Kay Properties – An In Depth Look at the over 25 DST Sponsor Companies that investors have access to on the marketplace. Betty Friant, Senior Vice President – Kay Properties and Investments:  Before we get into that portion of the question, answer portion of our call with our Sponsor Stories series, I’m going to follow up with a little bit of an overview on our Kay properties.  Some of … Read More

Kay Properties and Investments Successfully Completes $3.32 Million DST 1031 Exchange for Client Who Formerly Owned and Operated a Winery

View Morningstar Press Release Here. LOS ANGELES, May 07, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Kay Properties and Investments announces the completion of another 1031 DST exchange for a couple who sold a winery they owned and operated for almost 20 years. Though they enjoyed the many years and experiences that came with operating a winery, the couple was ready for the opportunity to exchange into a more passive, diversified* investment vehicle. They utilized the Kay Properties … Read More