Kay Properties Helps Family Complete $36 Million 1031 Exchange Amid COVID Pandemic

By: Kay Properties and Investments, LLC

Kay Properties is proud to announce the successful completion of a family’s 36-million-dollar 1031 exchange diversified* into 15 Delaware Statutory Trusts. 

Chay Lapin commented, “At Kay Properties we have specialized in providing a far higher level of DST investing services than found at typical providers of DSTs. We specialize in DST investments thereby allowing us to provide full-service resources for our clients as they are going through their 1031 exchange situation and consideration of DST properties. As always, working with our many high-net-worth investors, there are a lot of moving parts. Kay Properties has a full team behind our clients that provides them with much needed resources for their 1031 exchanges into DSTs such as our 1031 investor marketplace at www.kpi1031.com, 1031 DST educational process, DST property due diligence, mystery shopping each DST property, transaction coordination and our Kay internal investors relations team.” 

Kay Properties and Investment’s Senior Vice President Chay Lapin and Vice President Steve Haskell spearheaded the 1031 exchange. They guided the transfer of equity from a multifamily apartment building portfolio in California that the family had owned for many years to a diversified portfolio of 15 DSTs with over 19 properties in 10 states. The replacement property DST portfolio consisted of a variety of industrial, self-storage, medical, net lease and multifamily assets. Kay Properties and Investments coordinated with eight different Delaware Statutory Trust sponsors to swiftly execute the exchange prior to the closing of the client’s 45-day window.

Steve Haskell stated, “We are appreciative of the many DST sponsors we worked closely with on this exchange.  At Kay Properties the platform we provide via the kpi1031.com marketplace is a welcome relief to investors that previously had only worked with one stockbroker who really has little to no experience selling securitized real estate via a 1031 exchange — which unfortunately is how many DST investors end up over-allocating their 1031 dollars into the wrong DST offerings, at the wrong leverage amounts and in the wrong asset classes when compared to their goals and objectives. Education is of utmost importance in the DST 1031 industry, and unfortunately many participants that sell these types of offerings are themselves not educated as to how DSTs investments work and, as a result, the clients are the ones that can suffer greatly. We have seen it over and over and have many clients we have inherited that told us they wish they had known about Kay Properties and the www.kpi1031.com marketplace on their previous exchanges. This was an example of a family of clients that were able to fully educate themselves on the DST 1031 investment process while working with our entire Kay team.”

Dwight Kay, Founder and CEO of Kay Properties, concluded, “Another satisfied customer added to the list of thousands nationwide who have utilized Kay Properties and the www.kpi1031.com marketplace for their 1031 exchange and cash investments. We are thankful to the Lord for all of His blessings over the years, thankful to our many DST sponsor company partners who we work closely with and thankful to the thousands of Kay Properties clients nationwide.”

*Diversification does not guarantee profits or protect against losses.