Kay Properties Online Real Estate Marketplace Platform

By Dwight Kay, CEO and Founder, Kay Properties and Investments, LLC and Chay Lapin, Senior Vice President, Kay Properties and Investments, LLC

At Kay Properties we have created an online real estate platform and marketplace at www.kpi1031.com that provides investors the opportunity to explore various 1031 exchange investment opportunities across the entire country and across multiple real estate asset classes.

More importantly, we have created an extensive real estate and 1031 exchange educational platform. Over the years, investors from across the world have used the Kay Properties Platform to educate themselves and learn about the various categories within the 1031 exchange and real estate investing industry. 

Every investor learns in their own way and we have been able to accommodate various options for people within our educational platform, a few examples are: a published book, live updated blog, case studies, press center, video content, podcasts, weekly educational conference calls, an audiobook, free Subscription to the DST industry magazine and a free subscription to the 1031 Exchange Times newspaper (Sign up for free at www.kpi1031.com or email info@kpi1031.com to sign up for your free subscriptions).

The Kay Properties Marketplace Platform has provided investors access to over 25 different real estate sponsor companies that put together various opportunities for investors primarily within the asset classes such as Multifamily/Residential, various Commercial Assets, Net Lease Properties, Industrial, Medical and Self-Storage. 

Within the marketplace, investors can review offering documents that include the business plan, due diligence materials and the risk factors of each 1031 investment. This is where the www.kpi1031.com marketplace platform really sets itself apart from others.

If an investor were to go out on their own to purchase real estate, they may have to potentially spend thousands of dollars on legal fees and due diligence reports (property condition report, appraisal, environmental report, survey, zoning report, etc) in order to confirm that there are no major issues with the property, and these due diligence reports can take weeks to be completed as well as are very costly. On the Kay Properties marketplace, this information has already been completed and provided for investors to review.

The typical investor that has invested in the Kay Properties Marketplace has looked to complete a 1031 exchange, diversify* their real estate holdings by making cash investments, or utilizing various other investment options such as Opportunity Zone Fund investments. 

These investment options can be great for investors who have very real capital gains tax problems due to selling appreciated assets, for those investors who no longer want to manage their property and deal with tenant headaches, as well as for investors who have a full-time job and dont have time to manage real estate on top of their full schedule.

One potential advantage that the Kay Properties Platform provides to investors is access to nationwide data; we work and partner with some of the largest real estate companies in the country that provide us with their research and give an overview of their assets and performance.  This can potentially help to set investors on the www.kpi1031.com marketplace ahead of others.

The Kay Properties Platform has had clients from across the country invest into over $20 billion worth of real estate offerings that were both for 1031 exchange investors via Delaware Statutory Trust – DST offerings, Opportunity Zone Fund investors and direct cash investors seeking a way to diversify away from stock market volatility.  

*Diversification does not guarantee profits or protect against losses.